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Lakhta Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Информация за проекта

  • Height: 462 m (highest floor: 372 m); storeys: 87
  • Usable space: 400,000 m²; construction time: 2012 to 2018
  • After completion, the Lakhta Center will become the largest business centre in Saint Petersburg with a usable area of 400,000 m². In addition to office space, the complex includes a science world for children, educational facilities, sports and recreation areas, a variety of public services and a unique amphitheater overlooking the Gulf of Finland.
  • The high-rise office building forms the centre of the complex. With a height of 462 m, the multi-storey structure will be the tallest building in Russia and Europe at the moment. On its top floors a panoramic point view and a restaurant are going to be.
  • A new record was set when the foundations were concreted (completed on 1st March 2015): the work went into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest continuous concrete pour. 19,624 m³ of concrete was installed which is around 3,000 m³ more than the previous record holder, the Wilhire Grand Tower in Los Angeles.


  • Formwork solution for the foundation walls of the high-rise building, designed for a fresh concrete pressure of 80 kN/m², no crane required
  • Self-climbing formwork for the high-rise core which spirals upwards
  • Formwork solution for cantilevered slabs
  • Permanently closed, circumferential climbing protection panel for the multi-storey building; enclosure designed to accommodate high wind loads due to the location on the Gulf of Finland coastline
  • Shoring for temporary load transfer from three 110 t steel lattice girders each with a 36 m span, diverse support and working platforms for steel constructions and bracing of the multi-purpose building
  • Crane-climbed formwork for the monolithic core of the multi-purpose building


Renaissance Construction, St. Petersburg, Russia

Информация за клиента

  • Faster construction progress
  • Crane time-savings through the use of lightweight formwork
  • Time-saving formwork assembly due to the high efficiency of the system and continuously integrated formwork and scaffolding planning
  • Efficient overall concept by already taking into consideration the construction of the building core during the development of the self-climbing solution
  • Efficient project execution thanks also to fast implementation of sudden changes
  • Safe working conditions for the construction team at great heights
  • Technical support around the clock (24/7)
Portrait of Fark Gökçe Başaran, Head of Engineering Solution Department at Renaissance Construction, St. Petersburg, Russia
Faruk Gökçe Başaran
Head of Engineering Solutions Department

This particular project was not just about the delivery of the formwork. The biggest task was the planning of the appropriate systems with which we were able to implement both the architectural design and safety requirements as well as complying with the construction schedule. Therefore, we are extremely pleased that PERI has supported us with its engineering expertise. The ACS Self-Climbing System, RCS Climbing Protection Panel and all smaller and larger formwork and scaffolding systems from PERI are designed with respect to high quality, work safety and efficient working practice. PERI thus had a key role to play at the Lakhta Center.

PERI решение

  • Formwork solution with lightweight, crane-independent DOMINO Wall Formwork for the foundations
  • Combination of ACS Self-Climbing System and VARIO GT 24 Girder Wall Formwork, hydraulic climbing procedure without the use of a crane
  • VARIO GT 24 Wall Formwork elements which allow on-site adjustment to suit the changing building geometry without the use of a crane
  • Spacious working areas and fast striking, also within tightly spaced shafts, through project-specific special steel constructions complete with customized striking mechanisms
  • Through the use of special climbing shoes for the ACS Self-Climbing System, wall recesses – created through changes in the core diameter – can be climbed over without the use of a crane
  • The placing boom was positioned on one of the ACS Platforms and climbed together with the formwork
  • Circumferential, completely closed climbing protection panel extending over 3 storeys on the basis of the RCS Rail Climbing System
  • Simple adjustment of the protection panel to suit the changing building geometry using a telescopic solution for the individual elements and adjustable slab shoes
  • Permanent and safe solution for access and escape routes through the use of up to 65 m high stair towers which were climbed together with the ACS Self-Climbing System
  • Shoring constructions with heights up to 33 m and leg loads up to 45 kN for temporary load transfer in different areas of the multi-purpose building
  • Back propping with MULTIPROP and PEP Props under the storey slabs due to particularly high loads as a result of the heavy shoring towers
  • PERI UP Stair Towers along the outer edge of the building for safe access to the working areas
  • Mobile access platforms on the shoring for comfortable working conditions during assembly of the steel girders